Mother’s Day 2024

When QuickSabbie announced Mired Milf May 2024 on DeviantArt and called for artists to create something with chracters who are “mothers/maternal figures” I began to wonder, which one of my OCs fits that description. Then I remembered that I had already introduced Subira in the story “Shetani: Unholy Grounds” though without any images of hers so far. This shaman woman obviously is not Shetani’s biological mother, but she did pretty much raise the jungle girl from the time she was first found by the tribe. Subira was the one person who was most passionate about accepting her as a young girl. The shaman has no children of her own, but she very much cares about Shetani as if she were her daughter.

And so today, on Mother’s Day, a new gallery featuring Subira is revealed,